Witness the power of humor, imagination, and wonder in the face of adversity in War and Play: A Clown Odyssey of Survival, which follows two young clowns, Vira and Nadiya, as they navigate the horrors of Russia’s war on Ukraine. Throughout the show, the audience is taken on a journey of joy, fear, hope, and survival. The clowns find lightness and spread joy in the midst of chaos, creating shadow puppets, mocking soldiers, playing with found objects to make toys and dolls, and more. As they leave Ukraine and seek safety, the clowns discover the true resilience of their spirits. Even in the darkest of times, there is always room for joy and light. Danielle Levsky brings her vaudevillian sensibilities to bear in this new performance premiere exploring the dark absurdity and terror at the heart of the Ukrainian conflict.
This event provides accessible seating, designated aisle seats, accessible restrooms, accessible routes, FM assistive listening devices with headsets and neck loops, and live captioning via QR code on phones or tablets. If you require any additional accommodations, please contact access@lincolncenter.org or 212-875-5375.