In My Mind: A People of Color Mental Health Conference
My Identity Matters" Responding to the demands from conference participants at the previous three conferences, a coalition of organizations and agencies will host a two-day conference on Thursday, October 4 and Friday, October 5, 2018 at the Metropolitan College of New York, located at 60 West Street, NYC. Programs for both days commence at 9:00am (check in/registration begin at 8:00am) and conclude at 5:30pm. Following the resounding success of last year’s conference at the Stewart Hotel, the two days will bring together mental health consumers, clinicians, students and academics in formats to encourage a rare cross-pollination of concerns and experiences; providing opportunities for these groups to speak with and listen to each other as they raise, explore and discuss the many subject areas affecting the mental health of LGBTQ peoples of color. Conference Mission: The collective efforts of the planning team for this two-day conference will focus on how LGBTQ+ peoples of color see themselves and how these perceptions influence and affect their mental health. The collective strengths and wisdom of clinicians, consumers, academics and advocates confront the issues affecting identity constructs in these communities, especially in light of the policies and rhetoric from the current Administration and against the backdrop of conservative religious belief systems. Both days will begin with presentations to establish common starting points, which will be followed by concurrent single/stand-alone, small group workshops, and panel discussions – some geared for clinicians and others for community members. At the end of the second day, we will have a "Community Speak Out", where conference participants will have a chance to express their thoughts on the necessary next steps for improving this conference and addressing the mental health of LGBTQ+ people of color.
Metropolitan College of New York, West Street, New York, NY, USA
Oct 5
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
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In My Mind: A People of Color Mental Health Conference
Metropolitan College of New York, West Street, New York, NY, USA
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
My Identity Matters" Responding to the demands from conference participants at the previous three conferences, a coalition of organizations and agencies will host a two-day conference on Thursday, October 4 and Friday, October 5, 2018 at the Metropolitan College of New York, located at 60 West Street, NYC. Programs for both days commence at 9:00am (check in/registration begin at 8:00am) and conclude at 5:30pm. Following the resounding success of last year’s conference at the Stewart Hotel, the two days will bring together mental health consumers, clinicians, students and academics in formats to encourage a rare cross-pollination of concerns and experiences; providing opportunities for these groups to speak with and listen to each other as they raise, explore and discuss the many subject areas affecting the mental health of LGBTQ peoples of color. Conference Mission: The collective efforts of the planning team for this two-day conference will focus on how LGBTQ+ peoples of color see themselves and how these perceptions influence and affect their mental health. The collective strengths and wisdom of clinicians, consumers, academics and advocates confront the issues affecting identity constructs in these communities, especially in light of the policies and rhetoric from the current Administration and against the backdrop of conservative religious belief systems. Both days will begin with presentations to establish common starting points, which will be followed by concurrent single/stand-alone, small group workshops, and panel discussions – some geared for clinicians and others for community members. At the end of the second day, we will have a "Community Speak Out", where conference participants will have a chance to express their thoughts on the necessary next steps for improving this conference and addressing the mental health of LGBTQ+ people of color.
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