Hunter@Home - Opening Doors of Opportunity: Bridging the gap between the Deaf and the Hearing
With enough perseverance, opportunities can be made where there may seem to be none. Join for a thought provoking discussion between Deaf actor, producer and advocate Nyle DiMarco, Deaf actress Lauren Ridloff, and founder of Deaf Broadway and Hunter College Playwriting student, Garrett Zuercher, giving us a glimpse into how they’re breaking boundaries in the entertainment industry and more. How can we help bridge the gap between the Deaf and the hearing and create more opportunities? We assure you that after hearing their stories, you’ll be inspired to not let anything hold you back and become an advocate for both yourself and others around you
Hunter College, Park Avenue, New York, NY, USA
Mar 2
6:00 pm
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Hunter@Home - Opening Doors of Opportunity: Bridging the gap between the Deaf and the Hearing
Hunter College, Park Avenue, New York, NY, USA
6:00 pm
With enough perseverance, opportunities can be made where there may seem to be none. Join for a thought provoking discussion between Deaf actor, producer and advocate Nyle DiMarco, Deaf actress Lauren Ridloff, and founder of Deaf Broadway and Hunter College Playwriting student, Garrett Zuercher, giving us a glimpse into how they’re breaking boundaries in the entertainment industry and more. How can we help bridge the gap between the Deaf and the hearing and create more opportunities? We assure you that after hearing their stories, you’ll be inspired to not let anything hold you back and become an advocate for both yourself and others around you
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