Where There Is a Woman There Is Magic: Women’s History Month Virtual Festival
Join the Portrait Gallery in a virtual celebration of women making history! We will explore the online exhibition “Where There Is a Woman There Is Magic,” which highlights leaders in sports, arts, science and activism. It is part of a day-long lineup featuring events and activities for participants of all ages, including workshops, speakers, art activities and more!
National Portrait Gallery, Washington, DC, USA
Mar 27
11:00 am - 11:30 am
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Where There Is a Woman There Is Magic: Women’s History Month Virtual Festival
National Portrait Gallery, Washington, DC, USA
11:00 am - 11:30 am
Join the Portrait Gallery in a virtual celebration of women making history! We will explore the online exhibition “Where There Is a Woman There Is Magic,” which highlights leaders in sports, arts, science and activism. It is part of a day-long lineup featuring events and activities for participants of all ages, including workshops, speakers, art activities and more!
Go ahead and register!