B.J.R. (Billy Joe’s Ribworks,)
26 Front Street
Newburgh, NY 12550
4PM - ??
Come and go as you anytime you wish
Everyone welcome! Deaf friends, Family, Interpreters and ASL students. Bring a friend. Meet new and old friends. Come join us & have a blast!!
Please share this flyer to your friends.
Indoor, porch and deck. Live Entertainment and Nightlife, 10:30 PM live Band.
Take a 2 hours tour on cruises - Reservation require. Visit or Make a reservation or for more info go to: The River Rose at www.riverrosecruise.com or Hudson River Adventures at www.prideofthehudson.com
FB: Deaf social Orange Country NY
Questions or info, e-mail to: deafsocial@icloud.com